Thursday, July 24, 2008

to whom it may concern

thanks guys for support. here's part two of this great concert.
more paolo fresù trios to come soon, let me know who you want first, nguyen lè or bj cole.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

la notte, la notte

On june 2006, italian-born trumpet player Paolo Fresu invited some of his favorite fellow sidemen and gave a very creative series of concerts at the Lyon Opera Amphi Jazz.
the first evening reunited Paolo and Nguyen Lê (on guitar), BJ Cole (pedal steel guitar) the following night and finally Eivind Aarset (g) and Dhafer Youssef (oud & voice), with Fresu adding various electronic effects. the very laid-back and warmful atmosphere of the club was delightful and the music was definitely among the best live gigs i heard in a long time.
here's the first part of the final set (soundboard quality sound/320kbps). enjoy and ask for more.